School visit to Salford Priors

School visit to Salford Priors

The Salford Priors CofE School – KS2 Children visited our Salford Priors site in July to learn about the journey of our berries from field to supermarket shelves. The children met with our Operations Team, who then took them on a tour around our factory and then to our raspberry tunnels. At the end of the day the children got to do some raspberry picking that was kindly organised by Operations Manager, Steve Tinsley then they were presented with a small gift bag which included a few presents and fruit to say thank you for visiting us.

It was great to have a local school visit one of our sites and even better to see how enthusiastic the children were to learn about where their fruit comes from.

Quotes from the School & Pupils:

Miss Howard, TA, SP School: ‘The ASF staff were all very helpful and informative, they seemed genuinely pleased to have us there. They took the time to answer the children’s questions and took care to ensure the children’s safety moving around the premises. The children found it interesting and remained engaged. They (and the adults) thoroughly enjoyed being able to pick their own fruit and many were surprised to learn the weight of their raspberries, as well as the production process.’

Pupils: ‘I liked picking the raspberries’ and ‘I liked eating the raspberries’, were very popular replies.

One pupil in Year 6 said that the most interesting thing he learnt was ‘how many different places around the world Angus grow their fruit from’.

“Our technical team has between us all, an incredible 145 years of experience in soft fruit, which shows our dedication, depth of knowledge and passion for our crops!” David Cuthbert, Technical and Development Director, ASF