Angus Growers is the Producer Organisation from which we source the majority of our UK fruit.
Angus Growers was established and is managed by all 18 growers within the group. Their aims are to increase sales of soft fruit by helping growers to grow more, better quality fruit and to ensure Angus Soft Fruits market that fruit effectively.
We have been working closely with Angus Growers since the group was started and we have formed an effective partnership and strong expert team that secures our UK fruit requirements.
The grower base is located primarily in Angus, Fife and Perthshire, the traditional soft fruit growing regions of Scotland.
How to become an Angus Growers grower
Angus Growers are always looking for new growers, to come on board and be part of the growing team. If you would like to be part of this successful team, please look at the Angus Growers website which includes contact details for the Chairman and Directors of the group with Angus Soft Fruits
Angus Soft Fruits works with a diverse range of import partners from all over the world, providing 12mth supply of berries to our UK and European customers.
We strive to source only the best varieties and only the very best quality in order to delight our customers.
If you would like to discuss becoming one of our valued partners, please contact us by email and or telephone;
Telephone: 0044 1241 879989